What We Do

Auto Services

Expert Mechanic

At Mike’s Automotive we keep your car running smoothly, providing repairs and services to ensure it stays that way.
Based in Edgeworth, Lake Macquarie, our specialties include general servicing, new and logbook servicing, roadworthy checks and auto electrical.

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Mechanic Checking Car's Engine — Automotive in Edgeworth, NSW

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the cooling system work?

    The cooling system removes heat from the engine. Liquid coolant flows through the engine block and heads, gathering heat from the engine. That fluid then goes through a hose to the radiator which is cooled by the radiator fan.

  • Why doesn’t my car stop quickly when I hit the brakes?

    There are several potential reasons for this - your brake pads could be worn and need replacing, the brake fluid may need to be replaced, the brake fluid could be leaking, or the shock absorbers could be worn.

  • Why do my gears crunch when I change gear?

    It’s more than likely there is a problem with the clutch or the gearbox itself. The clutch could be worn, the transmission could need fluid, or the transmission could be breaking down.

  • Does it matter if my windscreen has a stone chip?

    Although it’s illegal to drive a car with a chip in the windscreen that is on the driver’s side, if the chip is smaller than a one dollar coin, on the passenger side and doesn’t impact driving vision, it is still legal to drive the car. However, if there is a chip on either side the car will not pass a roadworthy inspection.

  • Why is my car bumpy on the road?

    If your car has become rough and bumpy to drive on every road, there may be a problem with the suspension system. The shock absorbers and/or struts could be worn and need replacing.

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